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Tulsi (holy basil) - The queen of herbs

Tulsi, "The Queen of Herbs" - is the most sacred herb of India. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), although also known as Holy Basil, is a different plant from the pesto variety of Basil (Ocimum basilicum). Tulsi, which is Sanskrit for "the incomparable one", has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda for its diverse healing properties. It is mentioned by Charaka in the Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic text. Tulsi is worshiped throughout India and many Hindus have tulsi plants growing in front of or near their home.  

Health benefits of Tulsi
Tulsi is rich in antioxidant and renowned for its restorative powers, Tulsi has several benefits:

Relieves stress / adaptogen
Bolsters immunity
Enhances stamina
Provides support during cold season
Promotes healthy metabolism
A natural immuno-modulator

"Modern scientific research offers impressive evidence that Tulsi reduces stress, enhances stamina, relieves inflammation, lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins, protects against radiation, prevents gastric ulcers, lowers fevers, improves digestion and provides a rich supply of antioxidants and other nutrients. Tulsi is especially effective in supporting the heart, blood vessels, liver and lungs and also regulates blood pressure and blood sugar." Dr. Ralph Miller, former Director of Research for the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare.

Where do I get Tulsi?
In India, Tulsi is grown in most of hindu households. However most households have only one type of Tulsi usually Rama Tusli. There are two other types of Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi and Vana Tulsi. You can buy various flavors of Tulsi team from


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