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In Hinduism, amla (Indian gooseberry) is regarded as a sacred tree worshipped as Mother Earth. Amla (Amalaki) is highly nutricious and is an important dietary source of Vitamin C, minerals, amino acids. In Ayurvedic polyherbal formulations, Indian gooseberry is a common constituent, and most notably is the primary ingredient in an ancient herbal rasayana called Chyawanprash. In Ayurveda, it is used as a heart tonic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, anti-diabetic, cerebral and gastrointenstinal toner.  It raises the total protein level and help maintaining body weight due its richness in nutrients. 

Health benefits of Amla
- Enhances food absorption
- Enhances fertility and memory
- One of the best herbs for diabetes
- Powerful skin and hair rejuvenator
- Eye and liver toner
- Restores stomach and intenstinal digestive enzymes
- Supports heart and lungs
- Reduces body heat and/or weight naturally

Where do I get Amla from?
- Dabur Chyawanprakash
is a good product along with other Ayurvedic herbs.
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